Purifying Hair Bath – Oily Scalps 240ml


Bagno purificante cute e capelli con forfora grassa.

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• Purifica il cuoio capelluto e i capelli grazie alla presenza di sostanze naturali dalle proprietà anti-batteriche e antisettiche.
• Contrasta le agglomerazioni di forfora grassa, prevenendone la ricomparsa.

Sensazioni olfattive

Bouquet olfattivo: rosmarino, bergamotto. Il cuore balsamico di rosmarino si unisce alla freschezza mediterranea del bergamotto, per un trattamento che purifica in profondità, normalizzando il cuoio capelluto.


Applicare sui capelli umidi, massaggiare e risciacquare.

Impacco pre-shampoo, per un risultato ancora più efficace: applicare il trattamento su cute asciutta e lasciare agire 2-3 minuti. Risciacquare e ripetere se necessario.

Fase intensiva: utilizzare 2 volte a settimana, per almeno 5/6 sedute.

Additional information


240 ml

About brand
OWAY (Organic Way) is an Italian company that stands out for its attention to the environment and sustainability. Founded in 2010 by two organic entrepreneurs, OWAY offers a wide range of hair, face and body care products, all made with 100% natural and organic ingredients. One of OWAY's strengths is its corporate philosophy, which emphasizes sustainability and responsibility towards the environment. The company uses only natural and organic ingredients, avoiding the use of chemical substances harmful to humans and the environment. Additionally, OWAY promotes sustainable production through the use of recyclable packaging and collaboration with local companies. In addition to sustainability, OWAY also stands out for the quality of its products. All OWAY products have undergone rigorous laboratory testing and have been formulated to ensure effective results without damaging your hair or skin. Furthermore, the company offers a wide range of products to meet the needs of every hair and skin type, from the driest to the oiliest, from the most damaged to the healthiest. Another strength of OWAY is its commitment to research and development of new technologies and solutions for hair care. The company collaborates with industry experts and uses cutting-edge technologies to create innovative, high-quality products. In conclusion, OWAY is a brand that stands out for its attention to the environment and sustainability, for the quality of its products and for its commitment to research and development of innovative hair care solutions. If you are looking for high quality natural and organic products, OWAY could be the right choice for you.
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